TryHackMe | CTF | Walkthrough | Raven

Kapish Kuchroo
4 min readDec 30, 2021

Checkout this virtual machine on TryHackMe. LogIn on TryHackMe, go to rooms → raven1he. Link:

Information Gathering:
Go for Nmap and start the information gathering on the virtual machine.

Check out the port 80, Website is running for Raven Security.

Flag One Found :
Remember to always check the source code of the webpage. Guess what I found the first flag on the website while clicking on the services webpage, checking the page source.

While searching other directories on the webpage using the gobuster command:
gobuster dir -u http://<IP Address> -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/<wordlist of your choice>

I found that the website is running on WordPress. I tried to find exploit on the internet, but it wasn't helpful. Next up, I decided to do a wpscan to find out more details about the machine. It was worth doing a wpscan, I got the information on the users of the website. Users are Michael and Steven.

Brute Forcing:
Now that we have information on the users, we obviously need passwords for the user. Han on, where are you going to use this username and password? Well, initially I found that port 22 is open, we might be able to ssh through the new found credentials.

Found the credentials of username michael, password michael

Flag Two Found:
SSH login successful. After searching for quite a while, I found the second flag int the /var/www directory.

Flag Three & Four Found:
Now after getting the information on the second flag, it took me a while to find the third flag. I was expecting a privilege escalation to be a third flag, but raven said nopety nope nope!! After exhausting myself, I went for the tool Linpeas. It enumerates on the machine and finds out information that will take ages manually.

Now, I know the database name but no information on the credentials.

Linpeas, you beauty!! Username root password R@v3nSecurity.

Logging inside the database I used the following command:
mysql -u <username> -p Hit Enter <password>

I was finding information on the database through simple commands that you can google for my sql such as showing tables, switching databases.

After going through content for all the tables in order, I found wp_posts table interesting. Since my flag was here. Woop!! Woop!!

Flag 3 found
Flag 4 found

Smash the applaud icon, follow me on medium.
Catch you in the next one! Peace✌🏽



Kapish Kuchroo

Receiving and Perceiving misconfigurations in the computing systems